16 Renford Road
Soliloquy #1
Submission Techniques
"The Form"

I sign to re-instate legal racial discrimination
Someone asks about the time...
	How irrelevant
A face defined
A string juggler performs his antics,
	Then he juggles pins
Gravity, he is free from

Woodstock of Saturday

Flutes randomly fill the air
Various quotes Posted:
"Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit"- RWE
A burning man, how cool, in Nevada

John?! John?!
A lost child, but no worry
Friends here
I go indoors, too odd
I go back out
John is found

A man with a camera wonders for his "photo" opportunity
He doesn't belong

Revolutionary Poetry read

Back to the rhythm of the drums I go
Rain falls
I go into the rhythm circle:
People dance to one beat, shirts gone,
The smell of natural odorific humans floats
Raining, pouring,

A Hippie

16 Renford Road (two)
Page 17
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