16 Renford Road
Soliloquy #1
Submission Techniques
"The Form"

Table Of Contents

Two: Soliliquy (an editorial)(ein Leitartikel)(un éditorial)- Christopher R. Moore, Editor/Redakteur/Rédacteur en che f
Five: (untitled) (a poem)(ein Gedicht)(un poème)- David Hunter Sutherland
Six: Horse Latitudes (a poem)- David Hunter Sutherland
Seven: Standing At the Edge of Land (two poems)- Gary C. Campbell
Eight: checklist for a scavenger hunt (a checklist)- aberham hall earth
Nine: A Poem About a Man at a Table Writing a Poem of Love (a poem)- aberham hall earth
Eleven: Descent (a poem)- John Birkbeck
Twelve: Lock-Smith (a poem)- Christopher R. Moore
Fourteen: Death Chair (five poems)- Anjana Basu
Eighteen: That Damn Coffee (a sketch)(ein Stück-Prosa)(une saynète)- Emma Klingbeil
Nineteen: Chemically Imbalanced (a sketch)- Emma Klingbeil
Twenty: Not to Waste Breath (a poem)- W. James Steck II
Twenty Two: Staggered Logs /2 - W. James Steck II
Twenty Five: The Tragedy of Lucifer (a thesis)(ein Aufstz)(une composition)- John Mumm

Blue Period (Three)
Two: Soliliquy (an editorial)- Christopher R. Moore, Editor
Six: Luscious Purple Rain (a poem)- Eric Mayhew
Seven: Dizzy-Spin (a poem)- Peter Bonino
Nine: Do You Feel? (a poem)- Gary C. Campbell
Ten: Dream (a poem)- Brian Scaccia
Eleven: Magnet Poems #1 & #2 (two poems)- Jamie Spadini
Twelve: 0013 (a poem)- Dawn Palmer
Thirteen: A Wand'rer's Dream (a poem)- Scott C. Pickett
Fifteen: The Leaders of Life (a poem)- Ryan Foster
Seventeen: No Rhyme, No Lie... (a poem)- Christopher Fraser
Eighteen: Aphorisms (thoughts)- W. James Steck II
Nineteen: Staggered Logs- W. James Steck II
Twenty Three: Snails (a poem)- W. James Steck II
Twenty Four: Ryder (an essay)- Christopher R. Moore
Twenty Six: The Sexual State of Human Nature (a thesis)- Andrew L. Casad
Back: Addenda

Two: Soliliquy (an editorial)- Christopher R. Moore, Editor
Four: Correspondence (letters)
Five: Ruin (a poem)- John Mumm
Seven: Wind (a poem)- Matthew D'Ambra
Eight: Could I Have Said Too Much? (a poem)- Andrew L. Casad
Nine: Notes - Lisa Jeanne Ferroggiaro
Ten: Chartreuse (a poem)- Meghan Glinda Wright
Eleven: A Day in the Rain (a poem)- Gary C. Campbell
Twelve: Bleak Horizons (a poem)- Peter Bonino
Thirteen: Day Poems (a poem)- Christopher R. Moore
Fourteen: Titles- Christopher R. Moore
Fifteen: A Visit to a Friend (a poem)- Gary C. Campbell
Nineteen: Family Feud: Shakes-peer (a satire)- Brian Scaccia
Twenty One: Modem (Modulation De-modulation) (a poem)- Christopher R. Moore
Twenty Four: Edom (a chapbook)- Evan Barbaric
Thirty One: The Red Line (a sketch)- Christopher R. Moore

One: Soliliquy- Christopher R. Moore, Editor
Five: Pastry Perplexities- Christopher R. Moore
Six: (Pack my lunch)*65- Corey Sorrento
Seven: My Love- Gary C. Campbell
Eight: Llama!- Sir Scottard Pickett
Nine: A Poem...- found on the floor
Ten: My Angel- Charles E. Gilmore
Eleven: A Smile- Charles E. Gilmore
Twelve: Chrysalis (or The Life of A bug)- Evan Barbaric
Twenty One: Philharmonia- Christopher R. Moore
Twenty Four: The Disregard- Christopher R. Moore

About 16 Renford Road