16 Renford Road
Soliloquy #1
Submission Techniques
"The Form"

Modem (Modulation De-Modulation)
- Christopher R. Moore

Data streaming asynchronously into my house, my head
My head is my house
Like a muddy water river, streaming/flowing/roaring, we need a 
My A.M. radio doesn't even work
In the afternoon
"Excuse me, I've lost my calendar.  What date is it today?"
Why, I believe it is already tomorrow  (!)
We're one-hundred (100) years late
Or is it one-hundred (100) too soon?
Short wave
Long wave
Indecisive wave
Oceans of salted, electrolytic waters do not
recede.  Tide is always high: Spring
Forward; Fall
Bunny ears, antannae, cable (in the ground), satellites geosynchronous (out of the ground)
In-out dirty dirt, playing in a muddy puddle, puddly muddle... where's the
Information in that?  Morse code, one splotch, two drips; S-O-S.
It's-o-smosis, passive transport through the curtained windows of our 
humble abode, through the sockets and jacks and wires and circuits
It is a circus, swells of uproarious currents of flows of bits and bytes and 
baits from
Internet providers, AOL (AWOL), service providers, service servicers, 
providers of

16 Renford Road (two)
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