Stopped". Some rooms might be tiny, for an up-close look; others, motionless, for a still life; a particular one allowing only one individual at a time, to inspire introspection. Varying social attitudes may be noted in varying social climates: in a cafeteria, in dim light, next to a radio. Critically placed artifacts might naturally segregate groups by age, or ethnicity, or gender, or hearing-ability, conducive to study of parts. The tour-de-force, the "Mona Lisa" of the Museum, might be a great ballroom of immense size, allowing huge numbers of people in at one time. This room, the spectacle, the genius of the curator, this room would impart a perspective, would show the immensity and diversity and similarity of the constituents of our human race. Oh, it would be vast: vast in size, in width, in depth, in breadth, in poignancy and impulse and all that other good stuff. A truly amazing room for a truly amazing Museum. Museums. Neat places. They are a worthwhile recipient of your time and three dollars. It gives the ease of use, with some measure of interactivity, which is all-important, as well as nice air-conditioning. Summers are hot. Refresh yourself.